The Blessing of Motherhood

by Amy Green
Buy the Original Painting
9.000 x 12.000 x 0.100 inches
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The Blessing of Motherhood
Amy Green
Painting - Watercolor
To be a woman takes special equipping. It can only come from the One who created her. In this painting, the woman is resting on a pillow of blue (representing Wisdom). Her garments are blue with small white hearts; she is clothed with wisdom and pure love for her children, who are alongside her. She is surrounded by life (the green field) and an enormous flower overshadows her, dripping with honey/nectar. Interpretation: Great blessings overshadow her and enable her to speak with sweet, strengthening, healing words which come from heaven. The white heart and rainbow sort of colors at the top are God's pure love over her and His promises and plans that He is pouring over her life and those in her care. The birds are messengers that carry hope and peace and elements of heaven. All women are mothers of some facet and that takes special equipping. And that's why it is imperative that we continually, actively rest in God.
November 29th, 2023
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